How to find deep rest, clarity & direction even if you're feeling challenged by life overwhelm
But first, aren't we all just supposed to have our life entirely on track?
For some unicorns, SURE. Life is a jumping castle of opportunities, aglow with enlightenment, and a place where 'knowing life direction' come with innate ease.
If this is you, read no further. We clap at you and pat your resplendent rainbow mane.
For others of us mere mortals, life can be splattered with a hefty array of challenges. When faced with these challenges we have 2 options:
- Become unravelled, overwhelmed, stuck, resentful, anxious, insular, disheartened and weathered.
- Learn how to USE these challenges to your powerful and passionate benefit, steering your life boat in the direction of your purpose.
'How how HOW do I do this?!?' we hear you say...
Well that's what this immersion is all about.
We're here to help reacquaint you with your own internal compass and show you how you can elevate yourself out of quagmires of challenge with the precision and grace of a bird taking flight from a cliff top. We're not just talking about a once-off by the way. We're talking repeatable, powerful, simple tools, actions and mindset shifts that you can learn to use to your life expanding advantage.
Looking forward to having you join in on this journey.
Charmaine Dennis & Carly Woods
Naturopaths, facilitators, speakers, retreat runners, business women, life lovers